Optimal image quality means diagnostic safety as a basic precondition for successful treatment. Powerful image processing plays a leading role. All Infinix systems are equipped with innovative algorithms for excellent visualization of smallest vessels and interventional devices.
Next Generation Advanced Image Processing (AIP)
Next Generation Advanced Image Processing (AIP) produces more uniform images and the ability to visualize fine details. The software works in concert with hardware to optimize image display and minimize dose.
Super Noise Reduction Filter (SNRF)
Super Noise Reduction Filter (SNRF) improves image quality by reducing noise without introducing image lag.
AIP + SNRF brings Fluoro image quality to a new level
Dynamic Trace – get the overview in one go
Real time visualization of vessels over bones and anatomic landmarks with up to 60% lower dose than standard DSA technique .
Advanced Infinix-i dose reduction technologies

Virtual Collimation: After fluoroscopy, virtual collimation software simulates collimator positions so operators can adjust collimation with no additional fluoroscopy.

Grid Pulse Fluoro: More efficient X-ray pulses to reduce leading and trailing-edge dose. Includes frame rate selection for Fluoro and Record between 1-30 frames per second (FPS).

Dose Control: Radiation dose levels can be monitored in real time through digital display in the examination room.

Super Noise Reduction Filter (SNRF): Improves image quality by reducing noise without introducing image lag, enabling the user to work with lower dose at the same image quality level.

Fluoro Store: Provides prospective and retrospective image capture. The ability to instantly replay and review reduces the need to repeat exposures, reducing dose.

Live Zoom represents an additional function to obtain the same anatomical magnification without increasing dose.

Spot Fluoroscopy enables interventional efficiency while enhancing dose reduction capabilities. Clinicians can observe a region of anatomy using live fluoroscopy while viewing the Last Image Hold (LIH) surrounding area.

DTS – Dose Tracking System is a dose awareness tool that provides real time skin dose information for the patient’s body surface.