With Infinix 4D CT Canon introduces a powerful hybrid imaging system combining the world’s most flexible angio suite with the most advanced dynamic volume CT. Delivering an outstanding solution for image-guided interventions the system covers a wide range of interventional procedures from interventional oncology procedures to trauma, from neuro to cardiac.
Imaging morphology and function
Canon’s wide detector CT technology with up to 16 cm coverage in a single rotation allows you to acquire anatomical and functional data simultaneously with high spatial and temporal resolution.
Interventional oncology
Advanced perfusion imaging assists you in imaging and treatment planning of tumors more accurately and immediately verifying the response to therapy. Infinix 4D CT simplifies the positioning of micro-catheters and needles with 4D imaging of tumor vascularization and real-time 3D needle tracking.
Cardiac intervention
Infinix 4D CT provides robust low-dose cardiac CTA. One rotation is all it takes to capture the entire heart in just a split second with the Aquilion ONE. Eliminating motion artifacts, this technology is perfect for planning interventional procedures and for verifying percutaneous stent or valve placements and repairs immediately at tableside.
Canon’s area detector technology delivers iso-phasic 4D vascular imaging without table or gantry movement for robust evaluation of fistula and aneurysm treatment. The Neuro ONE stroke protocol provides dynamic perfusion mapping in under a minute for fast and reliable diagnostics in acute stroke patients.
Speed is foremost important in managing trauma patients. With Infinix 4D CT you are now capable of diagnosing and treating without the need to move the patient, saving valuable time